Saturday, March 31, 2012

Picture Fun

I was finally able to use one of my own upgrades (that the hubs normally steals to satisfy his phone addiction) and got an IPhone! So here are a few of my little creations and pictures made with my new toy!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Home Sweet Home

I had a fantastic time in Annapolis! It was great seeing my brother, Aunt Lisa & Craig! I did miss Little Man and the hubs a liiiittle bit more than I thought I would over one night though. :) Guess that just means I'm blessed with an amazing little family! Here are a couple pictures from my little getaway night and my arrival back home! Enjoy!

Saturday, March 24, 2012

First Night Away

Well after 7 months and 1 day I am going on my first overnight trip... Alone!!! Going to see my brother and aunt & uncle will make it easier to resist the urge to check on little man every two seconds! Not to mention he will be spending a very fun weekend with daddy!!

On the way to drop mommy off... And mommy's caffeine. :)

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Gourmet Meals

Little Man loved his dinner tonight! We have had to be careful about choosing solids for him to eat because of his dairy & soy allergy. He's still only eating solids twice a day, but we'll probably be adding that third serving in there soon. On tonight's menu was organic pasta with lentil bolognese ( made by Sprout, which we are locing because they use some baby appropriate spices) & apple an apricot combo (by Earth's Best, which we like too but have to be careful because some foods have dairy and/or soy). His new favorite thing is sucking on fruit through these little mesh feeder things. So far he's had chunks of frozen mango in them. He wasn't too sure of it at first, but is now loving it! Here are some pictures from our day!

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Fun In the Sun!

Spring has definitely sprung down here in the good ole south, so Little Man and I have been able to play outside. He isn't too fond of the grass on his toes but he loves playing and watching the doggies!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Dear Little Man,

Some things I want to remember about your 6th month.

-you have said 'uh-oh!' about 5 times and even once (at Holden's Hats Off party) when I asked! (I think that counts as your first word.)
-you have started to get up on your knees when you are playing on your belly.
-you have started to make this grunting sound when you have had enough or get frustrated. i try really hard not to laugh... sometimes i do.
-you wiggle like crazy on the changing table and sometimes try to roll over. its really hard to change your diaper these days... and it makes me cringe when you scratch your nails on the wall beside the changing table, but it makes you laugh.
-you love taking a bath and splash like crazy!
-you like to sleep on your belly now... sometimes you rest your head on your hands & when you wake up you have finger prints on your forehead.
-you LOVE to play peekaboo. you think its the best thing ever.

Love you beyond measure,

Monday, March 12, 2012

A Weekend Full of Celebrations!

We had a jam packed weekend with a Peru Trip Meeting (more on that later), Dave Ramsey class, Emmett's Birthday party, church, and Holden's Hats Off party. Somewhere in the there we had to squeeze in mowing the grass (yep, its already growing down here!), getting the jeep inspected, and other errands. Although we didn't get much down time as a family, I feel lucky to have run around as a family and to be able to celebrate our dear friends special moments! Here are a few pictures from all the craziness!

 Daddy & Little Man at Emmett's 2nd Birthday
 Mommy & Little Man 
Conductor Cap! 
 Emmett's Birthday Train

Firetruck at Holden's Party

Getting to play with catching these moments.

Friday, March 9, 2012

Bubbles, Rattles, and Friends Galore!

We finally made it to our first Gymboree class this week! Little Man was a little apprehensive at first ... probably from all the sounds, bright colors, and people ... but changed his mind pretty quickly. We went with his two friends Holden & Brady and had a great time! Even though the moms felt pretty silly, it was awesome to see the babies laughing and having so much fun. I love the idea of Gymboree because they include learning environments with the activities and songs they sing according to the babies age. This week was focused on tactile development so they had all types of equipment with different textures. (Gah, I probably sound like such the typical first time mom. But let's be real for a moment and make the point that its also fun to get out with the other moms too!) I think Peyton's favorites were the music rattles and the bubbles. Take a look for yourself ... 


 Going down the slide!

 Miss Jenna & Brady Man!

 Our new friend Cody in the ball pit!

 Miss Jannika & Holden!

 Working on our tactile awareness - haha! (aka - put everything in our mouths!)

Hanging with Holden!  

Ball pit! 

 Bubbles everywhere!


This is pretty cool Mom! 

 Hanging with Brady Man!


Can't wait to go next week!