Thursday, March 8, 2012

We've got an 18 pounder!

Well, Tuesday was Little Man's 6 month check up and it went great, considering he had shots again. He weighed in at 18 lbs and 1 oz! (No wonder my arms are about to give out after holding him for awhile!) His height came in at 27 1/2 inches which is in the higher percentile ... although I do get a little excited about this, (since both daddy & I are on the shorter side) Dr. Hight reminds me that height now isn't a predictor of future height until they turn two. But, we can keep on hoping!!! He was also cleared for combination foods and to start some puffs! I'm still a little nervous for him to start the puffs for fear of him choking, Dr. Hight said that he will just spit them out if he's not ready and that babies actually have a really strong gag reflex to help get it out. (Hah, way to be reassuring.) And although he cries, no wails, during the shots, he actually recovered pretty quickly this time and he wasn't too fussy for the rest of the day. =)


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