Sunday, April 29, 2012

Watch Out, Here Comes Little Man!

Month 8 has been a HUGE milestone around the Rushing household! Little Man is crawling like a champ, his first tooth is cutting through, and he's talking up a storm! What happen to this LITTLE man?! He says 'da-da', 'mum-ma', 'ya-ya', and 'ba-ba'... we're not quite sure that he knows what they mean yet (other than 'ba-ba' for sure!). Although he mainly says 'mum-ma' when he's crying his crib, but who knows! Here are some pictures from this week ... let the destruction begin! Watch out Shelbydog & Skip!!!

"Reading" Mommy's magazines.

On the move!

Playing in his tent!

Shelby seeking higher grounds...

Mom, can I watch Borat?

Check out this cool door!

What am I going to do with this kid?

Mealtime fun!

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