Saturday, December 31, 2011

Goodbye 2011

Well, I'm not quite sure how next year can top 2011 ... but I have a feeling that it will, as we watch little man grow. Even though we still stayed in this NYE, its 10x better because I'm not riddled with nausea from "morning" sickness. =) (So wrongly named... should be "all day sickness")

New Years Eve 2010 (6 weeks Pregnant)

New Years Eve Date Night 2011

Little Man's New Years Eve 2011 

Adios 2011! 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

its the little things

dear little man,

things i want to remember about you ...

-how you raise one eyebrow at me when i give you the paci during nap time
-that you grab my arm while i'm changing your diaper
-how you belly laugh when i stick your fat little toes by your mouth
-how you shiver when i circle my finger around your face
-how you laugh when we sing 'the itsy bitsy spider'
-how you wrinkle your nose when you bite the taggie blanket
-how you slowly wiggle and bend your toes while you're eating
-how you push your legs on the end of the tub and splash during bath time
-how you 'talk' and coo to your monkey
-how you spit out your reflux medicine ... every.single.time. 

love you beyond measure,

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Who knew?

'Tis the season for reflection ... if you would have asked me ten years ago if I would be sitting here, living this life that I am now, I would have laughed in your face. Laughed out of honest doubt that I would ever be so settled and content. I am blown away and grateful beyond measure for these blessings in my life. Blessings that are just the simple and basic things I think most people want out of life, but are sometimes the things that are taken for granted and overlooked. 

Things I am grateful for ...
-my awesomely supportive, hardworking, hilarious & kind husband
-my healthy, sweet, funny & handsome little boy
-my house
-my crazy dogs
-our incredible, supportive, loyal & loving friends & neighbors
-our amazing, loving & supportive family
-the ability to stay home with our little man
-that my Master's Degree is finished
-our awesome new church home

I hope that in the years to come, through the hardships that we will surely face, I will remember that the basic foundational things in life are the most important.

Lots of Love,