Wednesday, December 28, 2011

its the little things

dear little man,

things i want to remember about you ...

-how you raise one eyebrow at me when i give you the paci during nap time
-that you grab my arm while i'm changing your diaper
-how you belly laugh when i stick your fat little toes by your mouth
-how you shiver when i circle my finger around your face
-how you laugh when we sing 'the itsy bitsy spider'
-how you wrinkle your nose when you bite the taggie blanket
-how you slowly wiggle and bend your toes while you're eating
-how you push your legs on the end of the tub and splash during bath time
-how you 'talk' and coo to your monkey
-how you spit out your reflux medicine ... every.single.time. 

love you beyond measure,

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