Sunday, December 25, 2011

Who knew?

'Tis the season for reflection ... if you would have asked me ten years ago if I would be sitting here, living this life that I am now, I would have laughed in your face. Laughed out of honest doubt that I would ever be so settled and content. I am blown away and grateful beyond measure for these blessings in my life. Blessings that are just the simple and basic things I think most people want out of life, but are sometimes the things that are taken for granted and overlooked. 

Things I am grateful for ...
-my awesomely supportive, hardworking, hilarious & kind husband
-my healthy, sweet, funny & handsome little boy
-my house
-my crazy dogs
-our incredible, supportive, loyal & loving friends & neighbors
-our amazing, loving & supportive family
-the ability to stay home with our little man
-that my Master's Degree is finished
-our awesome new church home

I hope that in the years to come, through the hardships that we will surely face, I will remember that the basic foundational things in life are the most important.

Lots of Love,

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