Wednesday, January 25, 2012

5 Month Update

The 5 month mark has been a big week for little man! He's started eating sweet potatoes and rolling over!!! He doesn't seem overly enthused about the sweet potatoes, we will try carrots next week. He has already rolled from belly to back a few weeks ago, but hasn't done it since. But this week has started rolling from back to belly! Way to go little man!!! I knew he was getting close that morning, and then later that afternoon I walked away for a second leaving him on his back ... 

...and came back to this! 

I think I scared him when I came back because I was so excited! After Brandon got home he did it three more times, to show off for daddy. Today he's been rolling over and then crying because he can't figure out how to get himself back over. Haha. He has also started doing this side to side shake when he's on his back, we call it the 'shimmy', and it makes us laugh! 

He also had some photos taken today that I will post as soon as I get the CD. There are a few posted on Facebook by the photographer, but I don't think I am allowed to copy them. So I'll just wait a few days before we post them here. 

Until next time!

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Already going off to college...

So one thing I've already come to grips with as part of being a mom, is the tension that you constantly live in between ... being so happy, grateful, and relieved that your sweet baby is growing & being so sad, scared, and dumbfounded that this little life is passing so quickly!!! Where have the past 5 months gone? What did we do before little man was here?! Haha. I feel like the life we had before Peyton was a lifetime ago, yet the past 5 months of his existence have FLOWN by... even the long & excruciating first few colicky months. Actually, Brandon's boss summed it up so perfectly... the days can seem to D...R...A...G on, but the months FLY by!!! 

Anyways ... we are still giving little man a 'dreamfeed' before we go to bed at 10:30. This weekend we will start weaning him off of it since he will be hitting both milestones of 5 months and (over) 15 pounds. (We got this little strategy from the book called The Sleepeasy Solution, and little man has been sleeping like a champ!) I absolutely love the dreamfeed because we go in and don't really wake him. We don't turn on any lights (except a little nightlight app from our phones), and we don't say anything. We just feed him 4oz to top him off so he will sleep through the night. Its the sweetest thing because he doesn't even open his eyes, but sucks that bottle right down. Then when we go to burp him, he just lays his little head on my shoulder and sleeps. *sigh* He doesn't even do that anymore. I almost want to say that, 'he hasn't done that since he was a baby'. LOL. Then I have to tear myself away from him to put him back in his crib... and tonight I started thinking... Oh my gosh, this must be what it feels like when you send your kids off to college! You know that its best for them (aka: putting him down to sleep in his crib), even though you want to hold onto him forever! Oh gah ... I'm am so ridiculous... and this made so much sense to me in that dimly lit room with the white noise going. 

On a completely different note... we think we are starting down the teething road. *sigh* Little man has been DROOLING buckets, gnawing on everything, and doing this moaning/closed mouth humming today. He even said, 'mmmmm' when I gave him a cold teething ring today. Hahaha. 

Here are some pics from this week. Enjoy!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Rice Cereal!

Here is our first time eating solids!!! (1/3/11) I think he did pretty well! He was opening his mouth and leaning toward the spoon, he just wasn't swallowing much! 


I have a video, but can't figure out why I can't upload it here... I will work on getting it uploaded!!! 

Gramcakes & Grandpa Visit for Christmas!

Little Man got to spend some QT with Grandma & Grandpa Micosky this past weekend. They traveled from PA to spend a 4 day weekend with us for Christmas. We had a great time and can't wait to see them again! 

 Lunch after Church

 Grandma & Peyton 

Grandpa & Peyton

My new highchair from Grandma & Grandpa

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Little Man's 4 month (19 weeks) Check Up!

Well, after figuring out that his appointment was at 9 am and not 2 pm, 45 minutes before we were suppose to be there... we made it to the pediatricians office this morning! I probably would've rescheduled, but I was too excited to see what his weight was and to get the okay to start him on solid foods! With all of his belly issues in the beginning, I was too nervous to start him on solids without their okay. Which I'm glad I did because the doctor told me that some rice cereals have dairy in them. (Dairy is in EVERYthing by the way... which you don't realize until you have to go dairy free!) So we got an organic brown rice cereal with no dairy. I think I'll just stick to that brand of jarred baby food too, once we get up to them. Wait, wait, wait.., let me back up. (I told you I was excited! Hah!) He checked in at 15.5 pounds and 26 inches! That puts him in the 50th percentile for weight and teh 75th percentile for height! When she (the doctor) saw that I got a little excited about that, she told me that height isn't an indicator of future height until 2 years old. Bummer. So even though he's on the tall end of babies right now, he may not be forever! We also got the thumbs up for the flat spot on his head! Wahoo! She said that it definitely has improved, although the right side is slightly flatter than the left. She told me that it didn't warrant a referral and would purely be cosmetic if we wanted to go forward, since his eyes and ears are symmetrical. So, yay!!! Now we can get to the solids!!! (haha) Since he's got great head control and can sit up with assistance, his weight is good and he's taking about 30 ounces a day, that we could go ahead and start him getting use to some solids!! I'm still reading up on how to introduce everything. We are starting with really soupy rice cereal for the next couple of weeks only once a day. It was so fun to see his reaction to tasting it for the first time! I can't wait to introduce new fruits and veggies!!!


At the doctor's office!

I think I like the spoon!

I don't think its suppose to end up in my eyebrows...

Lots of Love!

Monday, January 2, 2012

2012 Baby Butt

If this is face is all I have to look at in 2012, I'll be one happy lady .... and I think Brandon will be a content man. ;) 
(aside from the grey hair that I keep finding on my head! what the?!) 

Giddyup 2012!!!