Wednesday, January 25, 2012

5 Month Update

The 5 month mark has been a big week for little man! He's started eating sweet potatoes and rolling over!!! He doesn't seem overly enthused about the sweet potatoes, we will try carrots next week. He has already rolled from belly to back a few weeks ago, but hasn't done it since. But this week has started rolling from back to belly! Way to go little man!!! I knew he was getting close that morning, and then later that afternoon I walked away for a second leaving him on his back ... 

...and came back to this! 

I think I scared him when I came back because I was so excited! After Brandon got home he did it three more times, to show off for daddy. Today he's been rolling over and then crying because he can't figure out how to get himself back over. Haha. He has also started doing this side to side shake when he's on his back, we call it the 'shimmy', and it makes us laugh! 

He also had some photos taken today that I will post as soon as I get the CD. There are a few posted on Facebook by the photographer, but I don't think I am allowed to copy them. So I'll just wait a few days before we post them here. 

Until next time!

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